[UPDATE] The family has informed me that they have talked to her and that she is safe.

[Original Story] A Lubbock family is asking for help in locating their missing daughter Dezaray "Dez" Seitz. As far as we know, no one has seen or heard from her in two weeks.

I personally have known Dez for five years and I am concerned for her safety. Dez has a small daughter and parents who love her. She's been an actor and makeup artist at Nightmare On 19th Street for years. None of us have heard anything from her, which is very unusual for her. I took this photo of her last season.

via Renee Raven
via Renee Raven

If you have seen Dez any time in the last two weeks, I am asking you to email me so we can put together a timeline of events that can lead to finding her. I will forward all information (anonymously if you wish) to her family. My email is reneeraven@1025kiss.com


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