Yesterday, I wrote a blog about a Lubbock daycare employee holding a young child up by the hair and mistreating her in an absolutely disgusting video. That woman has been identified, and is even more of a horrible person that I thought.

The woman in question is Kay Kae Rangel. She even admitted it was her in the video. And in an almost more disgusting fashion than her actually abusing the young kid, she attempted to use this video to garner Facebook likes and Instagram followers!

Check out this screenshot below showing her making the statement that she will "tell you all the truth and what really happened" if she gets 50,000 Facebook likes to her "official page."

Via Facebook
Via Facebook

And here she is asking for Facebook likes and Instagram followers in the comments section of a Facebook thread about the story:

Via Facebook
Via Facebook

If that wasn't awful enough (someone using a video of them abusing a child to get more social media likes), this person also posted on another person's Facebook trying to explain her actions. And when you read what she wrote, it only makes it way worse!


She says the child was falling asleep in her plate of food. But instead of just taking the girl to lie down, or moving the food so she could put her head on the table to rest, she took the child's chair away and forced her to stand up! And when the kid couldn't stand up on her own, she admitted to forcing her to stand by holding her up by her hair.

She also claims the one filming it was recently fired for kicking another kid in the face at the daycare, and that girl posted the video just to try to get some attention.

Via Facebook
Via Facebook

Lubbock police already paid a visit to where the video was reportedly filmed: My Little Playhouse Learning Center on 50th Street. After the video went viral, the daycare center issued a statement that the staff involved with the incident were fired, and that Texas Department of Childcare Licensing was also notified.

This whole damn thing is disgusting and I really hope the Lubbock Police Department arrests them both, and they are NEVER allowed to work with kids again.

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