Okay I am posting this purely for the ridiculousness of it. Here is a group of Lesbians that  just had to take their shot at easily one of the most famous people in the world, Justin Bieber. (Haters!) Am I the only one getting sick of all the Bieber bashing?

 Leave the kid alone! The girls a.k.a. children of the world LOVE and ADORE him. Justin is a good role model. No drugs or drinking. Well behaved and polite. I could think of worst role models for kids to look up to and emulate.

 Are we really going to do to this kid, Bieber that is, what we did to Michael Jackson or Britney Spears? Drive them to the point of insanity and possibly over the edge?

Here you go. Four Idiots trying to get their 5 minutes of fame by bashing Justin Bieber:

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