The Lana Del Rey situation has gotten out of hand. We all heard ‘Video Games’ and thought it was pretty good, then we all heard that other song and thought it was okay, then we watched her on ‘SNL‘ and our faces hurt from cringing.

Now it seems like she’s being rejected by the very audience for whom she was custom made. We can understand Brian Williams not jumping on this train (he is old), but who knew the biggest controversy would be coming from alt blogs?

So here’s what happened: Thought Catalog published a piece called ‘Lana Del Rey Responds to Her Critics.’ It was a satirical piece written in the voice of Del Rey, vapidly responding to accusations that she’s inauthentic, she can’t sing, her lips are fake, etc.

The real Lana Del Rey’s “people” apparently thought that the disclaimer at the top of the article (“This article is parody. Lana Del Rey did not write it”) wasn’t enough, because they threatened legal action if post was not taken down. TC caved, but you can still read the post here, republished by Hipster Runoff.

This alt blog also reported on Lana’s Coachella snub, which she was actually in agreement with. “I’m probably not the best candidate for, like, f—in’ Coachella, you know? I, like, stand there and sing,” she told VH1 in an interview. Yeah, Lan, we know. After ‘SNL,’ Coachella organizers are probably breathing a collective sigh of relief, but we’re wondering what SXSW thinks.

Fasten your seatbelts, guys. The Internet probably won’t shut up about this for a while. Are you on #TEAMLDR?

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