She is Gaga, hear her roar!

Lady Gaga made the most of her time when she brought her Born This Way Ball tour to Africa. She used her down time to go on a safari and took photos of herself amongst the lions.

Gaga was of course decked out in safari gear, hat and all. She looked like she could have been on a show with late 'Crocodile Hunter' Steven Irwin. She cut a hole in the top of her hat so that she could pull her ponytail through. She married fashion with function with that creative move.

Gaga tweeted a photo of herself, old fashioned MySpace style, holding the camera and pouting, with lions lounging in the wilderness behind her. She got pretty close to a pack of female lions.

She posted:

SAFARI PICTURES: the lion pride even woke up at one point and let us come closer :) (on the left).

She also joked that she was a playing the role of Mother Monster with the big cats, saying:

SAFARI PICTURE: in this photo I'm about 10 feet from 13 lions, 2 cubs. I spent about 30 minutes w them and took a nap!

Yeah, she took a nap with them and they went back to their pride wearing six inch platforms. That's one place and situation where Gaga wouldn't be wearing her meat dress. Or she'd end up like her avatar in that awful Die Antwoord video.

She also posted another shot, writing:

SAFARI PICTURES: i took this one about 5 feet away from her, isn't she beautiful!"

Beautiful, indeed. Don't forget dangerous.

We wouldn't shocked if Gaga somehow incorporated lion-inspired fashion into her next red carpet outfit or stage costume.


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