Khloe Kardashian is Ready For Her X-Factor Screen Test
Believe it or not Khloe Kardashian is being seriously considered to become the next host of "X Factor". Sources connected with the show say they have a short list of finalists with 6 names on it, and Khloe is on it. Is she really a fit for the show. That "Divatude" of hers already has me wondering if she can work that hard.
We're told Khloe would like the gig, but she's not going to get it without a screen test. Production sources tell us producers will be doing screen tests in the next 2 weeks. Our sources say they will NOT buy a pig in a poke, and anyone who wants the hosting job must audition.
The Kardashians have proven they can draw an audience, but this is not family drama, this is a totally different animal and I have my doubts about her ability to do it day after day...