--She says, quote, "I have this whole thing in my show that is about candy and cupcakes and meat.  It's both really sweet and shocking, but not in a sexual way."

--Katy is also introducing something called "smell-o-vision."

--She explains, quote, "It's the first concert that's going to smell good.  It's going to smell like you're in cotton candy heaven.  It's a fun little nuance."

--Katy adds, quote, "I just really want to raise the bar.  Touring is no longer an ordinary thing where you play an instrument in jeans and a T-shirt.

--"It has some pizzazz these days, and I'm definitely bringing the pizzazz with a lot of bells and whistles.  The show has a Broadway feel to it.  It's got a storyline that's going to be very interesting, kind of loosely based on my life, but a cartoon version."

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