How often does your planned family outing turn into an evening in while enjoying a movie with a table full of snacks? There are countless activities we experience by living in the Killeen-Temple, Texas area, but sometimes your greatest memories happen under your own roof. It looks like you may soon need to be sharing that roof.

Netflix is finally moving forward with a plan to charge for additional login access. Password sharing has long been allowed, and at one point encouraged, by Netflix.

However, as the streaming wars are fully engaged across multiple theaters (see what I did there), it looks like Netflix is going to ask you to define exactly who is and isn't family very soon.

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Why is Netflix cracking down on password sharing?

With around 230 million paying accounts, it is estimated almost another 100 million people are accessing those accounts for free. If you were to charge those people the Netflix minimum service fee of $10, that's almost $1 Billion that is going uncollected.

Also, among the 100 million freeloading users, how many of them were former paying customers that finagled their way into a free login? If you factor in the number of people who would prefer the premium plan, the soon to be implemented price of $8 is a steal for those who are currently stealing access with someone else's login.

Who pays the $8?

My guess is the account holder will see the additional fee tacked onto their monthly statement. You can read more with this Yahoo article. Question is, will that fee be on there for each additional IP that accesses the account, or only a single fee for others outside the primary address?

Either way, sending an $8 Venmo is way better than having to move back in with your ex.

The Most Popular Films on Netflix

These are the ten most popular films (in English), based on hours viewed in their first 28 days on Netflix. (The numbers come from Netflix’s official site.)

List of Places You Can Enjoy a Drive-In Movie Theatre in Texas

Texas use to be home to the most drive-in movie theatres in the U.S. with more than 400. That number has dropped to 20 but if you're looking for a nostalgic place to go enjoy a drive-in movie, here's where you can find them.

The Most Watched Netflix Shows Ever

According to the streaming service, these are the most popular series — based on their total view hours per title in their first 28 days of release on Netflix