One of the longest running Independence Day celebrations in America can be found right here in Texas. In fact, the celebration has been going on for so many years that it's known as the longest running Fourth of July celebration west of the Mississippi. It's also led to Round Top, Texas being known as the Fourth of July Capitol of Texas.

Round Top, Texas is located just Southwest of Brenham and has a population of about 87 people. But when Independence Day comes around, the area explodes with people.

2024 will mark the 174th Fourth of July Celebration in Round Top. Festivities actually began on Sunday with a Patriotic Concert, and Thursday through Sunday there will be shopping in and around Round Top. On Thursday, the Fourth of July Parade with festivities starting at 10:00am. There will even be a pool party and of course there will be fireworks on Saturday, July 6th according to the

Round Top has been celebrating Independence Day since 1851, and each year the celebration gets bigger and bigger. And according to, people from all over the state show up.

The City of Arlington also hosts one of the oldest celebrations, they claim to the be the largest parade and oldest parade at 59 years old.

Meanwhile Lubbock likes to claim that they have the largest free festival in Texas with 4th on Broadway.

But it's Round Top that takes the longest running celebration overall.

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