Sometimes we can forget that animals in the wild really aren't that far away from us, even if you live in one of Texas' largest cities.

According to the, the Houston area has been dealing with an uptick in the numbers of cats being killed and dismembered. Citizens have been expressing concern about cats being dismembered over the past week. According to the, at least one citizen who found his cat split in half thought that it was someone in the neighborhood who was responsible for killing his cat. Instead, the SPCA informed area residents what they believe was happening.

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The Chron reported that SPCA officials believe that a single or multiples coyotes are responsible for the deaths of the cats.

"After an initial investigation, it is believed this was caused by an animal attack, possibly coyotes, as the area where the incident occurred has a very high population of feral cats."

And the Houston area isn't the only area where coyotes can be responsible for killing household pets like dogs or cats. A simple Google search brings up a ton of examples of stories where cats or dogs have been killed by a single or a group of coyotes.

So if you keep your pets outside overnight. Just know that there are other animals in the wild that may sniff them out.

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