Lubbock Teachers and School Nurses Honored by United Supermarkets
May is a special time where it feels like the new year is finally kicking in and life goes a million miles a minute but also it's a time to breath in a smell the flowers...and cookies? May is a month filled with holidays celebrating those that care for and guide us through life. I am not talking about Mothers Day, which is important, but instead other appreciative holidays in May, specifically those that celebrate teachers and school nurses.
May 8 through May 12, 2023 is Teacher Appreciation Week, and National Nurses Week, along with School Nurse Appreciation Day falling on May 10. This year United Supermarkets did not disappoint and recognized our favorite school nurses and teachers in and around the Lubbock area.
United Supermarkets traveled to nine different schools including Lubbock ISD, Lubbock-Cooper ISD, Frenship ISD, Roosevelt ISD, Slaton ISD, Abernathy ISD, New Deal ISD, Shallowater ISD and Idalou ISD. At those school districts bouquets of beautiful flowers were given to school nurses and cookies to teachers.
President of United Supermarkets, Sidney Hopper did release a statement in regards to the appreciation that they have for all that those educators and school nurses do.
Day after day, teachersandschool nursesmakecountlesscontributions to the lives ofstudents in our community. We hope ourgiftsof flowers and cookies will be asmallreminder of the gratitudewe have for all that they do
The United Supermarkets Family has always been focused on serving the community and what better way to serve the community than those who served us, took care of us, and taught us almost everything we know.