Lubbock Man Arrested for Injuring Child with A Lot Spanking
A Lubbock man was arrested after a child showed visible signs of abuse. KAMC news reports that back in May a child victim reported being held down forcibly while being spanked with a belt multiple times by 44-year-old Jessie Olivas. The child states that the reason for the abuse was because they brought Pokémon cards to school but this was not the first incident of abuse.
A school nurse told investigators that the victim went to them for bumps that they had along with a separate incident which the victim had a black eye. The child did tell that nurse that they received the black eye when they fell off a skateboard. In addition to those nurses visits it was noted that there several other physical markers of abuse that were noted on the victim. Some of those did include blister's from hot meat reportedly being placed on the child's arm, bruises and swelling
Olivas was said to not know his own strength and since he only used spanking as punishment in regards to the child During a check of the victim the doctor was able to find bruising, specifically in the area of their bottom, which did coincide with the reports of spanking, in regards to Olivas.
As per the publishing of this article, Olivas remains in custody at the Lubbock County Detention Center on a combined bond of $175,000 on three separate charges. Aggravated Assault with a Deadly Weapon, Aggravated Assault of a Date/Family/Household Member with a Weapon, and Injury to a Child/Elderly/Disabled Person with Intent of Severe Bodily Injury/Mental.