Ex-FBI Agent Appointed Interim Police Chief by City of Lubbock
The City of Lubbock announced that Police Chief Floyd Mitchell would be resigning on September 22nd but soon after that announcement did not name anyone else to take his place. It was officially announced Wednesday, September 20, that a new Interim Police Chief would be taking over as soon as Chief Floyd Mitchell steps down.
That new interim chief for the Lubbock Police Department will be retired Plano Police Chief Greg Rushin. Rushin has a diverse law enforcement background with 40 years of experience, 18 of those years were spent in Plano as he served as the Police Chief. Rushin not only worked in Texas but also got his start in Illinois where he attended college, he later served as Deputy Sheriff and Sergeant in Lewistown, Illinois.
Rushin then went on to Plano from 1982 to 1987 where he was a police officer before going on to Washington D.C. as a Special Agent for the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI). Rushin then served as the Plano Police Chief from November of 2001 until he retired in September of 2019 to become Plano Deputy City Manager of Public Safety.
This decision was made by the City of Lubbock as Lubbock City Manager, Jarrett Atkinson stated how much of an honor it was to have someone with an extensive background in law enforcement serve Lubbock
His [Chief Rushin] tremendous experience and proven track record will guide the Lubbock Police Department as we continue to move forward and honor our commitment to public safety.
During his career Greg Rushin got his Bachelors and Masters Degrees along with certificates from the University of Texas at Dallas and Harvard University. Those certifications helped Rushin become a Certified Public Manager, the past President of the Texas Police Chiefs Association and a licensed Texas Master Police Officer.