So you Want to go Sky Diving…
Would you really jump out of a perfectly good airplane?
Tom Collins, Ken Corbin and Sunrise LBK on KFYO give you the opportunity to scratch Sky Diving off your bucket list!

If there's one thing you can be certain of on your skydive, it is that you're going to naturally reach speeds you've likely never felt before. Thanks to gravity, your fun, fast freefall from 13,500 feet will have you reaching speeds of up to 120 mph.


Sign Up to Win This $400 Value!

Submit your entry between now and 7:00 a.m. Central time October 12, 2023. In a few words give us a good reason why you should be selected the Sky Dive winner. Be creative! One winner will be selected by KFYO based on the creativity of the entry and announced on air before 8:30 a.m. central time on Friday October 13, 2023.

Sky Dive West Texas Is Your Host…

Pete Lutz, Owner /Operator of Sky Dive West Texas has made over 16,000 jumps since 1979.

Provisions for your jump will be compliments of Sky Dive West Texas. As a safety precaution, a certified instructor will jump/dive in tandem with you.

Sky Dive West Texas
County Road 113
Seagraves, Texas 79359
(309) 453-8259



Rules To Enter…

You must be at least 18 years of age and have a valid I.D.
Your weight cannot exceed 250 pounds
You must sign a release form
You will also appear on Sunrise LBK for a post jump interview.

There are Two Steps to win!





Then tell us in 100 words or less why you deserve this prize!  Send your response to this email...your email must be sent to be eligible to win! Make sure you put "SKY DIVING CONTEST" in your header...

Texas Cold Case Files: These Are The Top Unsolved Cold Cases

The Texas Rangers keep an updated website on the top cold case investigations in the state. They currently date back to 1979. One case is from Lubbock County.

Gallery Credit: Chad Hasty


Lubbock's Mugshot Monday: September 25 - October 1

People arrested the week of September 18 - September 24 and held in the Lubbock County Detention Center.

Gallery Credit: Mikael Donnovan