Lubbock's schools will open their doors for the 2024-2025 school year on August 14th. As a result, parents across the city are busy bees gathering school supplies, buying new outfits, and attempting to wrestle their children back into decent sleep schedule.

Well, you're in luck! Pediatrician at the Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center School of Medicine Dr. Tammy Camp laid out reasons as to why sleep is crucial for young students heading into the new semester.

Setting an established bedtime for your children is crucial for not only their own sleep schedule, but also their mood and concentration.

Dr. Camp laid out some calming options to consider such as dimming lights, giving them a bath, or reading a book together to build that routine before bed.

If your child is a little more rambunctious, you could implement some outdoor activities to get them nice and tired before the calming options to wind down the day.

In the weeks leading up to the first day of school, it's recommended that you begin waking up your child 15 minutes earlier every day starting now and putting them to bed 15 minutes earlier in the evening.

Other tips to make the first day of school easier provides additional advice for making the transition from Summer to the first school day smoother:

  • Try taking your child to look at the classroom before the semester starts
  • Look for a buddy in the neighborhood around your child's age to join them as they head to school, assuming you don't take them yourself
  • If they take the bus, go over safe road crossing procedures
  • Teens are also back to school and are more riskier drivers; be prepared to keep extra eyes on the road if you carpool
  • Consider dressing your children in brighter-colored clothes if they will be crossing streets alone
  • Be sure to pack a nutritious lunch to promote energy and healthy brain functions during class

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Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins