We disagree on many things in Texas. But, we all find common ground when the convo turns to bad drivers. Boy, do we have our fair share!

Whether it's the lady weaving through traffic while putting on mascara, the dude reaching for a slice of Little Ceasars from a box on the dash, or the drunk driver who nailed your neighbor's house last Saturday, Texans are certainly taking their chances on the road.

Check out the top 10 ways people die on Texas roads and reconsider acting like a fool behind the wheel.

Top 10 Causes of Death on Texas Roadways

We want you to drive carefully and arrive at your destination safe. But when on Texas roadways here are the top 10 causes of death.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

If you're reading this now, you're probably not dead. That means there's still time to change your poor driving habits! Be sure to share this article with new and old drivers alike, and remind them to make good choices on our roads before it's too late.

Keep scrolling for other crazy Texas-based news that keeps you up at night...

Worst Places to Be in Texas During Nuclear War

If we engage in nuclear war you will want to avoid these places in Texas.

Gallery Credit: Billy Jenkins

5 Texas Cities Most at Risk for Senior Heat Stroke

Carewell conducted a study to determine the U.S. cities where seniors are most at risk for heat stroke. These are the 5 Texas cities with the highest heat stroke risk for seniors.

Gallery Credit: Johnny Thrash

Over 50 Young Girls Have Gone Missing in Texas This Year

Every month new children go missing in Texas. Some are found safe, but others are still missing -- like these 50+ girls who have disappeared since the start of the year.