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We all love Patrick Mahomes, but what gift should you give to your friend that really, really loves Patrick Mahomes? I've found it, and it's Texas Tech branded, too!

First, let's learn a fun vocabulary word: dakimakura.

dakimakura (抱き枕; from daki 抱き "embrace" and makura 枕 "pillow") is a type of large pillow from Japan. The word is often translated to English as body pillow or waifu pillow.

Or, if you need a visual image:


Yeah, THOSE things. If you're in the market for one, I know a place at the mall that can hook you up. I find them to be very, very funny.

And they are what immediately came to mind when I came across this majestic piece of Patrick Mahomes merch, available from Red Raider Outfitter:


The vaguely creepy full-length body shot of a dakimakura combined with the convenience, practicality, and portability of a beach towel? That's the best $38.99 I can think to spend. I'm sure this was made with a bikini-clad babe on the beach in mind, but how often are Lubbock folks at the beach? I can't help but imagine a Ren and Stimpy-esque lummox using this after a steamy, sweaty shower.

So Lubbock, is this Patrick Mahomes merch too risqué? Or is it an absolutely perfect gift for any Patrick Mahomes super fan? I'm going to go with the latter. Not going to lie, I totally would treasure this towel forever.

Is it creepy if I use it? Because I would totally use it.

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