Here in Texas, one soda brand reigns supreme: delicious, refreshing Dr. Pepper. Not a day goes by that I don't crack open a DP, and I think my blood must be 20% Dr. Pepper Zero by now.

If there's anything we love more than our native-born soda (Dr. Pepper was invented in Waco, Texas) it's adding stuff to our Dr. Pepper. Booze, of course, but also fruit syrups and juice.

A very popular combination of flavors has been the "Dirty Soda," which we here in Texas know as a Dr. Pepper with coconut syrup, half-and-half, and lime juice. It's delicious.

coffee mate on Facebook/ canva
coffee mate on Facebook/ canva

But did you know that "dirty soda" originated in Utah? It's true! "Cold" caffeinated drinks are permissible for Mormons (not coffee), so it's like a mocktail/ allowable "Starbucks" drink. And it's seen a huge surge in popularity thanks to TikTok.

With mocktails on the rise everywhere, it's a great drink for anybody. And Texans, who are used to making drink concoctions thanks to places like Sonic Drive-In, it's a natural fit. We love the "nice ice."

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To make it even easier to obtain your dirty soda, Coffee Mate has released a creamer intended specifically for Dr. Pepper.

It's a limited flavor, so make sure you enjoy the convenience while you can, otherwise, you're juicing your own limes or making your own trip to Sonic (mmm, chili cheese tots).

Cheers to Dr. Pepper and cheers to Coffee Mate on this awesome drink collab. It's absolutely perfect for a sunny Spring day in Texas.

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Gallery Credit: Kelsee Pitman

12 Items to Avoid Buying at Texas Dollar Stores

Of course we've all stopped at a dollar store for a quick snack, a drink or maybe you need to get something at a lower price. However there are several items that people SHOULDN'T get from dollar stores.

Gallery Credit: Daniel Paulus

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"If a man's from Texas, he'll tell you. If he's not, why embarrass him by asking?" ~John Gunther


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