Idiot Parent Dressed As The Easter Bunny And Gave Condoms To Texas Elementary School Kids

You really have to question what planet some people are living on when you see a story like this. The Austin Independent School District has been in the news a lot lately it seems. Just a few weeks ago, schools in Austin were celebrating "Pride Week" and getting blasted by state officials.
And now this story from KXAN. A parent at one of the elementary schools in Austin thought it would be a great idea to dress up as the Easter Bunny and hand out eggs on the Gullett Elementary School Campus.
Some of the eggs contained candy, which in 2022 is probably dangerous enough. In fact, even saying the word Easter on a school campus is probably frowned upon in many areas of the nation. But it wasn't the eggs filled with candy that was the problem. It was the parents dressed as a bunny handing eggs out that contained condoms.
According to KXAN, the Easter Sex Bunny was asked to leave, but the parent just walked to a sidewalk and gave more kids condoms.
Some of the eggs contained candy, but others contained unopened condoms, according to a letter sent to Gullett families.
The parent was asked to leave, but then moved to a public sidewalk and continued to give away eggs, the district told KXAN.
“We are working to review our safety protocols to ensure this does not happen again,” said an AISD spokesperson. “It was an incredibly careless and inappropriate action of a parent.”
In a letter to parents, Gullett Elementary School Principal Tammy Thompson said the event was not planned, nor sanctioned by the school. The letter said officials spoke with the parent about the “inappropriate nature of their activity.”
Again, what frame of mind are you in to think that it's okay and even your job to hand out Easter Eggs with condoms in them to kids in elementary school? I guess kudos to Austin I.S.D. for giving the unnamed parent a talking to, but maybe the actions of the district in the past gave the parent the idea that the district would be open to such an act.
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