Help Us Find This Texas Tech Helmet That Belongs to the Special Olympics
We don't know what kind of a jerk would do this, but it's pretty awful.
A Texas Tech helmet, signed by all of the Tech Ring of Honor recipients, was stolen.
I don't know why you'd steal something that you can't display or share. This helmet was taken as part of a burglary, but it belongs to the Special Olympics. It's just mean and it's taking funds away from a very worthy cause.
We are asking the culprit to please take it back to the Special Olympics, or even leave it in a bag at our studios, located at 4413 82nd on the 3rd floor. We promise we only want the helmet returned, no questions asked. We're sure your excitement for the Red Raiders just got the best of you and you meant no harm.
Here's the text of the actual post from one of the Special Olympics officials:
Attention Lubbock: Help us find our STOLEN HELMET
The Red Raider club graciously donated this very exclusive helmet to Special Olympics Texas -A17 to help us raise money for the 900+ athletes we serve.. It is 1 of 18 in existence and is signed by each of Tech's Ring of Honor members. This was STOLEN this week and we are just wanting it back in our possession!
If you hear about this anywhere please let us know! It can be returned to our office at 4601 50th St, Ste 215 Lubbock, TX 79414.
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