She’s BACK! Former Lubbock Meteorologist Joins Townsquare Media
A little less than a year ago, one of Lubbock's familiar faces kissed television news goodbye to take on the more flexible role of writing remotely from home while taking care of her sweet baby boy. Heidi Waggoner is now back in the media, but taking on a slightly different role.
Since leaving news, I've been writing for Texasliving Magazine and a slew of parenting blogs. Today, I'm happy to announce that I'm joining Townsquare Media Lubbock radio station 102.5 KISS FM as their newest content creator. Just like on the small screen, I'll be popping in to tell you about any turbulent weather that's on the way, but also will be highlighting all the amazing resources the South Plains has to offer families, pet owners, homeowners and more.
Parenting is an amazing adventure that requires a village to stay sane. I want to be a part of your village and a person who answers the questions that every mom and dad ponders at some point on their parenting journey.
Here's a little bit more about me:
Heidi was born and raised in the Lone Star State. She attended Texas A&M University where she received a degree in Meteorology. After graduating, she had the pleasure of starting her career at KAMC News in Lubbock, Texas. Two years later, she hopped around to California and Arkansas, but found that her heart belonged in the Hub City. She went on to work at KLBK/KAMC for five more years before trading in her green screen for a keyboard.
Heidi is a wife, mother, dog owner, and huge Texas Tech football fan (thanks to the influence of her husband). She is thrilled to be joining the KISS FM team as well as some former coworkers from the media!
You can see more of my stuff on my Facebook page and now, right here on 102.5 Kiss FM. Feel free to send me any questions that you're hoping to get answered. My goal is to shed light on the important topics that matter most to Lubbock parents and pet owners!
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