I have done my fair share of stupd things. Once at the age of sixteen I got in a fight with my girlfriend and smoked the tires on my brand new truck at the Sonic back home. I was so mad that I did not realize that there was a cop two stalls away from me who now had his cheeseburger all over his shirt thanks to my "wreakless driving". I made up with my girlfriend but the ticket cost me $220. Lesson learned.

That is one of the only stories that I can share with you in a public forum. Trust me I have been a total freakin idiot in my dyas. Kind of like this kid.  A drunk guy wearing a "Ghostbusters"costume was arrested in Canada after he climbed onto the roof of a Police car, then backflipped over a cop. He somehow managed to land it then immediately got thrown up against the car and handcuffed. 


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