A former Lubbock ISD police officer has filed a lawsuit against his old boss, alleging that he was made to arrest people and write tickets in violation of Texas law and lost his job due to retaliation.

According to a report from Everything Lubbock, Tommy Williams, who was terminated by the Lubbock ISD Police Department in 2017, says in a newly filed lawsuit that Lubbock ISD Police Chief Jody Scifres created a hostile work environment, in addition to the previously mentioned allegations.

Williams was reportedly fired after admitting he left his firearm unattended in a chair. But in the lawsuit, the former officer claims he was fired in violation of the Texas Whistleblower Act.  

According to the Texas Attorney General website, the Texas Whistleblower Act "protects public employees who make good faith reports of violations of law by their employer to an appropriate law enforcement authority. An employer may not suspend or terminate the employment of, or take other adverse personnel action against, a public employee who makes a report under the Act."

Williams is seeking $100,000.

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