The cast and crew of Nightmare on 19th Street, along with Boleo, Renee & Justin from 102.5 KISS are playing your favorite horror themed video games for 24 hours straight, and you can watch us on the live stream, from November 11th-12th, noon to noon!

We are doing this as part of "Extra Life" a gaming marathon to raise money for our local Children's Miracle Network Hospital- University Medical Center.

CMN benefit's the smallest babies. via Kyra Newberry
CMN benefit's the smallest babies. via Kyra Newberry

Children's Miracle Network purchases life saving equipment that is extraordinarily expensive and that our hospital might not have otherwise. For example, a transport isolette in the NICU unit can run  up to $85,000 (that is, a specialized, contained bed for premature babies that can be moved from the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit to Surgery, for example). Ask any NICU nurse- equipment purchased by Children's Miracle Network saves premature babies daily.

Our goal this year is to raise $1000 from our gaming stream. You can donate at and you'll be able to watch our 24 hour long game stream at See us get startled, scream, and possibly cry at your favorite horror themed games. We will be playing several very different ones- from the Silent Hill franchise to Danganropa- from Call of Duty Zombies to Until Dawn to Five Nights At Freddy's- we will likely play your favorite. We will throw in some classic gaming as well. I might play Fester's Quest just so I can throw my controller in frustration.




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