(Not a Lubbock-area commercial, but you get the point.)

Starting February 25th, over 300 law enforcement agencies in Texas, including right here in Lubbock, will begin the 2017 Great Texas Warrant Roundup.

The roundup is intended for those who have unpaid traffic tickets that have resulted in warrants being issued. However, anyone with an outstanding warrant is subject to arrest during this time. Law enforcement officers may come to your home or office, even to your school dorm or classroom, to make an arrest.

Various local agencies will be participating in the roundup, including Lubbock County, the City of Abernathy, Dawson County, Lamb County, Hale Center, Terry County and Yoakum County to name a few.

If you think you might have an outstanding ticket or warrant, you better to clear it up before the roundup starts, otherwise you could be out not only the fine and warrant fee, but the time you lose from work, embarrassment, etc.


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