As you all may be aware we Americans are addicted to fried foods. Some fan favorites include fried  candy bars of all flavors, Ding Dong's, Twinkies, Pop-tarts, Klondike Bars and even Oreo cookies. Last year at the Texas State Fair I actually saw a stand that was deep frying sushi and whole cheeseburgers! Yes we do love the grease here in the states and just when you thought you had seen it all fried..... I give you, Deep Fried Kool-Aid!

"Chicken" Charlie Boghosian is a fried food innovator who sells his fried foods at county fairs around the country.  He created deep-fried Kool-Aid this year . . . and it's quickly becoming his biggest item.

 The deep-fried Kool-Aid balls involve flour, water, and cherry Kool-Aid.  Charlie mixes up a batter, rolls them into balls, then deep fries them.  They come out tasting like sweet donut holes.


There's no word on the nutritional information on one of these. Charlie is at the San Diego County Fair right now and is selling at least 1,200 balls a day . . . which is double the amount of new items he usually sells.


Here is the Recipe:

County and State Fairs goers around the nation will be packing their guts full of this fried treat this summer along with anything else you can fit into a fryer. Anyone Tried this yet? What do you thik it taste like? Comment for me...B


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