It's CritterFest '19, this Thursday through Sunday (June 27th - 30th) from 10 a.m. - 6 p.m. at the Science Spectrum & OMNI theater in Lubbock, according to their website.

This means big zoo animals will be visiting Lubbock for this very special event. Here's what the Science Spectrum shared on their website:

Nowhere else in town can you see elephants, alligators, crocodiles, camels, a kangaroo, giant tortoises, big snakes, and tons of other cool animals as the Science Spectrum literally turns into a zoo for four days. Awesome and amazing animal acts, as well as the extremely popular petting zoo, pony and camel rides, and live dog shows, along with many other animals on display...

Tickets are only available each day as you enter. You can follow this link for ticket prices and all the CritterFest '19 details.

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