Lubbock ISD on Thursday afternoon released ADM numbers for all five high schools.

Coronado and Monterey high schools have dropped below the 2100 student threshold needed to stay in Class 6A, based upon the 2014-2016 Realignment.  Also, Monterey High School is now the largest high school, in terms of population, in LISD.

In other regional news, Amarillo ISD released their ADM numbers on Wednesday.  It appears that Tascosa will remain in 6A but Amarillo High School may end up being on the proverbial borderline between 6A and 5A.

The official UIL Realignment for 2016-2018 will be announced on February 2, 2016.

UIL ADM Enrollment Numbers for 2016-2018 Realignment

Monterey           2088  (5A)
Coronado           2069 (5A)
Lubbock High     2059 (5A)
Estacado             745 (4A)
Talkington           186 (2A)

Tascosa     2215 (6A)
Amarillo High  2144 (6A or 5A)
Palo Duro  2029 (5A)
Caprock   1890 (5A)

UIL Conference Cutoffs for 2014-2016
**The 6A cutoff is expected to increase to over 2100 for the 2016-2018 Realignment
6A-- 2100  and  above
5A-- 1060 -2099
4A-- 465 – 1059
3A-- 220 – 464
2A-- 105  – 219
1A-- 104.9  and  below

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