Chris Beard seems like a man that's easily pleased outside of the basketball court. Not to say he's got low standards; I just think he seems like a laid back guy that can be content if he knows the person serving him is giving their all.

If a Lubbock family invited Chris Beard into their home and cooked him a plate of sliders and a side salad, Chris Beard would be ecstatic. That's 100 percent effort from that family.

When the Big 12 serves him sliders? The multi-million dollar conglomerate Big 12?

That's not 100 percent effort from the Big 12.

Beard does want to clarify he's not mad at the Big 12; he's just disappointed. And we all know that's worse.

What really seals the deal is the wishlist that Beard lays down like he's Stone Cold Steve Austin on an episode of Monday Night Raw.

Prime Rib Sliders. Shrimp Cocktail. Lobster. Lemonade Bar. (I'm not even sure what a lemonade bar is but I'm intrigued by it.) The only thing we were missing was Beard calling for two cans of brew from off-camera and bashing them together. He made up for it with the mic drop walk-off, though.

The Red Raider season is fast approaching with the first tip-off scheduled for November 5th, 2019 at the United Supermarkets Arena against Eastern Illinois, whose notable alumni include Tony Romo, Sean Payton and Jimmy Garrapolo.

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