The Red Raiders lost a third straight game on Wednesday night, this time against an undefeated DePaul. The game went into overtime, where the Red Raiders haven't won all season, and the final was 65-60 in favor of the bad guys.

If you want the complete game recap, you can find it here at I just want to focus on the last 17 seconds of the game.

After a brutal game from both teams, the second half heated up in the closing moments. With Texas Tech leading or tied for most of the second half, it finally felt like the Red Raiders had some breathing room when Terrance Shannon, who had a great night, drained a 3-point shot, putting Texas Tech up by six.

DePaul would counter by scoring 4 of the next 6 points, leaving Texas Tech with a 2-point lead with 17 seconds left and Davide Moretti on the foul line.

There's literally nobody else in the country you'd rather have shooting free throws than Moretti. He hasn't missed since March 24th. He's perfect. He's amazing.

Those were the kinds of things being uttered by Tim Brando and Bill Raftery on the broadcast, which should have given Red Raider fans an uneven feeling because the Broadcaster Jinx is an absolutely real thing.

Don't believe me? Just watch below where the generally infallible Davide Moretti missed his first free throw in 255 days.

All Moretti needed to do was make his 29th free throw in a row and he likely would have clinched a win. The fates fell a different way though, and he became the latest victim of the broadcaster jinx, which is 100 percent real and not made up.

Texas Tech will let their 3-game losing streak ride against number one Louisville in Madison Square Garden next.

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