Oh Brit Brit. She committed quite the verbal faux pas on 'X Factor' last week. When Demi Lovato's charge CeCe Frey sang for her life in order to remain with the show, Britney Spears compared her previous evening's performance to "Keesha." Who's this Keesha? Oh, snap. She meant Kesha. Oops, Brit did it again!

While the verbal misstep was very obviously innocent, Brit looked silly and out of touch by getting the 'Die Young' singer's name wrong, especially since Kesha did pen Brit's dance hit 'Till the World Ends' from her 'Femme Fatale' album. We know, we know. Brit works with tons of people and she is eyeballs deep in handlers and conservators, so she might be very far removed from the album making process to the point where she just goes in and cuts vocals without even knowing who wrote the song.

But it sill makes Brit look like she doesn't have her manicured finger on the pulse of what's current in pop music, especially when she is judging a pop music competition.

Maybe, just maybe, Brit made the mistake in the heat of the moment during an elimination performance. Yeah, that's it.

We hope Keesha -- oops, we mean Kesha -- isn't offended. We don't think she'll mind that much -- and maybe this is just payback for K-Dollar Sign making Brit explain the "F-Bomb" to her tots!

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