Be Careful What You Help Crowdfund, You Might Not Get Anything
Back in 2015 one of my favorite beverages from my High School years was poised to make a comeback.
Clearly Canadian.
This was a pseudo-kickstarter project to bring the defunct brand back to life. And all it would take was pre-orders for 25,000 cases.
I ordered 2 cases, Country Peach and Wild Cherry.
So months went by and I honestly thought nothing of it.
I just happened to be at a local store last night and found Clearly Canadian, then it popped in my mind, I NEVER RECEIVED MY 2 CASES THAT ORDERED WAY BACK IN 2015.
I have since emailed them and heard nothing, but apparently, I am not the only person who never go their order. Numerous websites and Facebook posts have shown me this.
Don't get me wrong, I am glad that they are back and I can enjoy the product again, but this is one of the many reasons why I will never "kickstart" a project again. If I wanted to make a donation, I would have, but I ordered a product, and never got it.
Be careful out there folks, you get what you pay for.