Steve Frost
This Week in Viral Videos: A Spoof Trailer, Barfing Cup and More [VIDEO]
This week the Internet was talking about a plethora of viral videos about the ex-Jedi Harrison Ford, a crazy lady who gets a creepily overjoyed with her rainbow sponge hobbies and a trailer for a new movie that you might not love, but you’ll LIKE...
Holy Teaser, Batman! ‘The Dark Knight Rises’ Trailer is Here [VIDEO]
It’s been a epic few weeks for Batman fans. First, they were mesmerized by the poster art for ‘The Dark Knight Rises,’ then the teaser trailer for the third installment in the nouveau-Batman franchise leaked online.
Now, another goodie — the official release of the teaser.
This Week in Viral Videos: An Unusual Bike Race Crash, Breakdancing Gorillas and More
The Internet was filled to the brim with viral videos this week, some of which featured amazing ads, crazy crashes and, of course, animals.
Our favorite video of the week has to go to a rather, um, unusual race bike crash. Bike crashes are usually good for a laugh, but this crash had us howling about 30 seconds into the video...
‘Baconized’ Manicotti Recipe Clocks in at 3,000 Calories [VIDEO]
Epic Meal Time, a group of YouTubers notorious for cooking comically high-calorie food, have taken cheese-filled pasta to new artery-clogging heights.
In an episode dubbed “Masta Pasta,” a hacked manicotti dish features a tasty bacon weave, ”trifecta liquor meat sauce” and multiple types of ravioli.