Lauren Moyer

9/11-Themed Bar Opens in Fort Worth, TX to Mixed Reviews
It's very real and very open.

CDC: Fully Vaccinated People Can Gather Without Masks, Social Distancing
The news was announced Monday morning.

Missing Texas Girl Found Hidden Inside 18-Wheeler At Border Patrol Checkpoint
Where they found her is where this story takes a turn.

20 Things Us Texans Have To Explain To Out-Of-Town’ers That They Still May Not Get
Here's a little history lesson you can take back to your friends in Kansas.

Texas Dream Home Has Its Own Man-Made Private Beach and Zipline
If you've got the money for it, you'll want to jump on this one.

Texas Family Upset After FedEx Driver Leaves Fallen 89-Year-Old Man On Front Porch
"(He) didn't at least ring the doorbell or call 911!"

VIDEO: This Texas Ghost Town Has An Abandoned School That Will Send Shivers Down Your Spine
Have you thought about Texas' ghost towns?

Gov. Abbott Announces All Texas Schools Closed For Remainder Of School Year
It's official; Gov. Abbott has announced that the 2019-2020 school year has officially come to a close.

Here’s The Biggest Reason You Should NOT Share Your Senior Picture On Facebook
This social media trend puts your most important accounts at risk.

VIDEO: Police Break Up Massive Easter Celebration Despite COVID-19 Warnings
We've heard it hundreds - literally hundreds - of times now. Stay at home. Slow the spread.

Its Only Taken 39 Days For 80 Children To Go Missing In Texas
There's another issue plaguing the state of Texas that's seem to go by the wayside; that's the number of children reported missing.

GALLERY: 12 Texas Families Could Use Your Help In Solving These Cold Cases
The Texas Department of Public Safety Texas Rangers continuously works to bring closure to the families of victims of heinous crimes across the Lone Star State.