Heathen was born to 1 of 2 lesbian mothers, neither of which will take responsibility for him anymore. He went to school. School sucked. Pretty early on he noticed a surging fondness for boobs, breasts, knockers, ta-tas, sweater monkeys, you name it. So when he was old enough to get into the strip clubs, 13 I think, he found himself hanging around the dumpsters because they would also routinely kick him out for “egregiously groping the talent”, whatever that means. After a few years he realized that heaven was a place on earth, and guys could actually get paid to hang around these women by being what is commonly referred to as a sleazeball. Better known as the tittie bar dj. So he got his first job at the Poop-N-Shoot, a topless bar/firing range on the outskirts of an airport someplace where they don’t do background checks. Everything that happened between then and now is anybody’s guess, but I bet if you check enough “official” records, you’ll find something. Anyway, now he’s on the radio and we all have to put up with him. Nice.

Brett Favre Retiring From Football? Finally? Really?
Retirement rumors have swirled around Minnesota Vikings star Brett Favre a few times before, but this time, they might actually be true. Sources have told FOX Sports that Favre has filed retirement papers that would end his 20 year career in the NFL. FOX' s coverage after the jump: