Professional writer for,,,,, and innumerable other sites. He writes the Internet, basically.
Dan Seitz
Google ‘Dying Grandparent’ On Google Images And You Get… Christina Aguilera?!
Christina Aguilera has fallen victim to an exceptionally strange search engine quirk: If you Google 'dying grandparent' in Google Images, it's predominantly images of her, and she's neither a grandparent nor dying.
So what's going on?
Soon Your Smartphone Will Know Your Mood
Imagine a world where your smartphone can realize that you're angry or sad, and react accordingly. Thanks to the University of Rochester, it's not as far away as you might think.
Seth MacFarlane To Woo Marge On The Simpsons
It's an old joke that there's one half-hour on Sunday Seth McFarlane hasn't been on. And now that he's going to be on The Simpsons, it's officially an inaccurate joke.
Pranksters Dress As Target Employees On Black Friday
Black Friday is infamous among retail personnel for bringing out the absolute worst in people. Customers are rude, self-centered, and obnoxious. So the guys at Prank Vs. Prank struck back for the employee, dressing up as employees of a certain retail establishment and offering "help"...
Kenan Wants Nothing To Do With Kel
Kenan and Kel were a beloved comedy team in the late '90s and early 2000s, and went their separate ways about ten years ago. Since then, they've both had solid careers as respected character actors, even if Kenan has been the slightly more successful of the two with his Saturday Night Live work and film appearances.
Unfortunately, Kenan's success apparently means he wants nothing to do with Kel.
Here’s A Black Friday Stampede To Make You Glad You Didn’t Leave The House
Here's the Saturday-after-Thanksgiving tradition: a smartphone video of a Black Friday riot. This is in Moultrie, GA, and the swarms of people are grabbing cheap pay-as-you-go smartphones. But it's not the only shame to be happening, as the clip you've seen elsewhere isn't legit.
Obama and Mckayla Maroney Are Very Disappointed In… Something
President Obama met with the 2012 United States Olympic Gymnastics Team and... well... you can see what happened for yourself.
Shower Cat Enjoys Bathing With His Human
Cats rather famously do not like water. Except when they do like water, because then, apparently, they love it. Witness this kitty in the shower, who seems to be enthralled with the streams of water coming out of it and not to mind getting soaked...
Meet The Self-Walking Dog
As any dog owner knows, most dogs love walks, but walks are time consuming. So this very polite dog learned how to walk himself, complete with carrying his own leash. In fact, he's a better and more well behaved pedestrian than some humans we know...
Goats on a See Saw Will Rock Your Cuteness World
Baby goats are just as inquisitive as any other baby animal. But like most babies, they have to learn about physics the hard way.
Here’s PSY Dancing To ‘All The Single Ladies’
PSY is, of course, currently incredibly obscure in America. But we think that his "cover dance" of a Beyonce pop hit might just break him through, maybe get him on Ellen.
13-Year-Old Steals Brother’s Car, Drives 800 Miles To Meet Internet Boyfriend
Elizabeth Annette Robinson seems like a nice girl. She's thirteen, and we all remember what it's like to be in middle school. So when she met somebody over Xbox Live, it was love at first game.
Then Elizabeth decided to play Grant Theft Auto for real, stealing her brother's car to meet her boyfriend.