Arnett-Benson Neighborhood Restaurant to Host Free Easter Egg Hunt for Kids April 15th
Joel's Mexican Restaurant is hosting their free annual Easter egg hunt for kids again this year, Saturday, April 15th at 1:45pm, sharp. Joel himself warned us that showing up late usually means the many kids have already grabbed up the eggs. The event will take place across the street at 3200 Amherst (the park with the Maggie Trejo Supercenter).
Last year's event brought out hundreds of kids. Joel encourages kids from the entire community to participate- it is not solely an Arnett-Benson event. However, that is a ton of eggs, and Joel is accepting donations of candy and cash to help make the event great for area kids. As an actual parent, he does ask for no chocolate- countless Easter clothes have been saved from melted candy that way.
If you would like to help (you are an awesome person) you can drop off candy or donations to Joel's Mexican Restaurant at 3116 Amherst or you call the restaurant and they will pick your donation up at 765-0590.
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