Armed Forces Day became an official holiday in 1949, bringing each branch of service together for a national day of appreciation and honor. This year we celebrate Saturday, May 21, and in Lubbock one local business is holding a huge celebration.

President Harry S. Truman led the effort to establish a day for civilians to honor our men and women in active military duty for "their patriotic service and support of our country."

From 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. this Saturday, members of our armed forces as well as civilians are invited to Adobe Auto Sales, located at 4711 Ave. Q, to enjoy a day of family fun, free burgers, hot dogs and snow cones.

The first 100 people will also receive a commemorative t-shirt.

I think many times, unless we have family members enlisted in active military duty, we take for granted the gift of our freedom and the sacrifice that our military men and women make each day, defending and protecting us and our precious freedom.

This Saturday, whether you can make the celebration on Ave. Q or not, take a minute to thank a military serviceman or woman that you may see out and about.

Or better yet, if you see a military person at a restaurant or at the grocery store, tell them how much you appreciate their service. Or go one step further and show them how much you appreciate them by buying them lunch or dinner or even helping out with that grocery bill.

It will be a small gesture that will speak volumes to these brave men and women.


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