Do you guys remember the Levis viral video were the girl put a camera on her booty to see how many people would look at her Junk? Well the idea is back and this time the camera is right up front to see how many guys look and react to a nice set of TaTa's. Let's take a look back at the first video of the booty cam and then take on the new video.

The Ass Cam

I love the woman on the escalator that is a pure hater!

Here is the new TaTa cam.

The triple take to wrap it up? I love it.

I'm a guy and I have to admit that I will sneak a peek, especially when girls wear something that enhances her boobs. I am not a hater. Size does not matter to me and I do not judge women according to the size of her chest. Actually a petite small chested woman is what I prefer. So... Why do we look? Why do girls look at other girls?

Comment and tell me what you think. We wanna here from you guys so sound off about your TaTa's ladies!

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