3 Simple Ways You Can Help the Less Fortunate in Lubbock This Holiday Season
In spite of all of the setbacks we faced over the year, we can all still find something to be thankful for this holiday season. I myself am thankful for a family that loves me in spite of my imperfections, a wonderfully caring boyfriend, and my silly kitty cat, Troodle.
There are plenty of people out there that have had a terrible, horrible, no-good, very bad year. It's up to us all to come together and help out those in our community that are less fortunate.
A few minutes of your time, or a few dollars from your pocket, could absolutely change someone's holiday season.
Here are a few ways to give back and support our community this season.
Simple Ways to Help the Needy
These are only a few examples of places to give back. If you know of a non-profit organization that helps to directly benefit the citizens of our community, please reach out to 94.5 FMX via our app and we will do our best to get the word out. Happy Thanksgiving.

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