A Wichita Falls family made a memorable appearance on the Dr. Phil show yesterday (11/20).

The parents appeared on the show as John and Jen talking about their 12-year-old son Jack. John's current wife Renee also appeared on the show. John claims his son is possessed by demons. According to John and Renee, Jack has threatened to burn the house down. In one of the clips seen above, John admits he would hate to have to kill his son to protect the rest of his family.

John said when his son was two years old, he woke up to Jack placing pieces of glass around his mother's neck while she was asleep. John believes his son is possessed by demons and needs an exorcism. While his birth mother, Jen, believes he is suffering from a diagnosed mental illness.

From the clips here, it looks like Dr. Phil does not believe the boy is possessed. "The chance of this young man being demon possessed is something less than zero," Dr. Phil said. He believes Jack is autistic. Jack is unable to communicate what he wants or needs without acting up.

Jen says her son has been diagnosed with several mental illnesses over the years and has been put on over 50 medications, but nothing seems to help calm him down.

John claims to have a team in place ready to perform an exorcism on Jack and rid him of evil.

“He said he had a whole group of guys working on it, and he already picked out the place, and he’d already had his house blessed. Now, my 12-year-old believes he has demons inside of him,” Jen said on the show. “There’s no way on Earth that I’m going let him perform an exorcism on my son.”

Side note: Dr. Phil actually spent some time here in Wichita Falls while in college, graduating from Midwestern Sate University in 1975.

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