Texas is a massive state, but perhaps surprisingly has a comparatively low drug problem. Wallethub.com used several metrics to rank states and Texas came in near the bottom of the drug abuse list at #44. The state with the most minimal problems is Idaho and the worst state for substance abuse is the District of Columbia (not really a state per se, but treated as one in this ranking, Vermont is #2).

Wallethub used several metrics divided into three main categories- "Drug Use and Addiction", "Law Enforcement Issues" and "Drug Health Issues and Rehab".

Texas actually ranked high (#18) in "Law Enforcement Issues", which indicates a high number of drug-related arrests and prescription drug monitoring laws.

Here's a few more Texas-specific rankings:

Drug Abuse & Prevention in Texas (1=Biggest Problem; 25=Avg.)

  • 33rd – Percentage of Teenagers Who Used Illicit Drugs in the Past Month

  • 44th – Percentage of Adults Who Used Illicit Drugs in the Past Month

  • 33rd – Number of Opioid Pain Reliever Prescriptions per Capita

  • 48th – Number of Drug Overdose Deaths per Capita

  • 23rd – Number of Drug Arrests per Capita

  • 48th – Percentage of Adults Who Needed But Didn’t Receive Treatment for Illicit Drug Use in the Past Year

  • 26th – Number of Drug Arrests on College Campuses per 1,000 Students

If you need help with substance abuse/ drug addiction, please seek help as soon as possible. Click here for information on getting inexpensive or free drug counseling in Lubbock. Please save your life, because I promise you are loved and the world will be poorer without you. 



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