Award-winning journalist and one half of the longest running anchor team in the U.S., Karin McCay will meet and chat with fans at 2018's Hub City Comic Con.

McCay will be appearing at the event on Saturday, August 25 and Sunday, August 26. This year's Hub City Comic Con runs from August 24-26.

From Hub City Comic Con:

Karin McCay is a 17 time Anson Jones Award winner, selected by the Texas Medical Association. Karin has won a regional Edward R. Murrow Award 4 times and earned a Lone Star Emmy for her documentary on the first South Plains Honor Flight. She has also received the Dean’s Distinguished Service Award from the Texas Tech School of Medicine.

Since Karin and her co-anchor, Abner Euresti, are the longest running anchor team in the country, they have been featured many times in stories about friendship and longevity. The Lone Star chapter of the National Academy of Television Arts and Sciences presented them with the organization’s Silver Star Award in 2009, recognizing Karin and Abner for more than 25 years of service in the industry. The two are also Ambassadors for the Children’s Miracle Network, having co-hosted that Telethon for more than 30 years.

When Karin’s daughter moved to Germany, Karin began mailing stories like this one to her grandchildren, and are now books!

So far, here's the impressive list of special guests and events Hub City Comic Con has planned for 2018:

For ticket information, a full event schedule and more, visit Hub City Comic Con's official website, and be sure to like them on Facebook for future updates. Download our free app, sign up for our newsletter and keep your eyes on this website for more epic Hub City Comic Con announcements.

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