The iconic car from Ghostbusters, Ecto-1, was spotted in Lubbock this week. But why?

Yes, this is the hearse-based version of Ecto-1 featured in the 2016 Ghostbusters reboot starring Melissa McCarthy, Kristen Wiig, Kate McKinnon and Leslie Jones. It does look a little different from the classic Ecto-1 driven by Bill Murray and co. in the original 1984 Ghostbusters movie.

So, what was it doing in Lubbock? We honestly aren't 100 percent sure.

The Ecto-1 replica was parked outside the Alamo Drafthouse in Lubbock, so the easy assumption would be it was there as part of a special movie event. But that's not the case.

We reached out to Michael Harper, who works as a creative associate for Alamo Drafthouse, for more details on the car's appearance. And surprisingly, the Ecto-1 wasn't there in any official capacity with the theater.

"It wasn't something that was done in conjunction with the theater," Harper said. "I believe he just showed up to see a movie in the Ecto-1."

So there's someone in the Lubbock area who owns a replica of Ecto-1?

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If anyone knows who owns this Ecto-1 replica, drop us a line on our Facebook page and let us know.


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